in Social media, Wikipedia

Like every year, the Sanremo Music Festival is attracting the attention of Italian media.
This 2017 edition has received an audience share of almost 50% and could be interesting to see how this result reflects on social media.

We analyze here who, among the singers, is receiving during the week the highest number of views on his/her Wikipedia Italia page.
We started collecting data (from the official Wikimedia dumps, which you can find here) from the 6th of February.
Could this be a good predictor of the popular vote?
Keeping in mind that the real winner is decided only partially by the popular jury, let’s see who wins here!

Let’s take a look at the 5 singers with the highest number of views.

Source: Wikimedia dumps

Ermal MetaLodovica Comello and Paola Turci look strong, with Ermal Meta reaching the highest number of views in a single day (139498 views on the 10th).
Lodovica Comello has the highest total during the week (264239 views vs Ermal Meta’s 254966 and Paola Turci’s 242329).

Ermal Meta’s numbers could also be influenced by the fact that he won the “covers night” (on the 9th), gaining in this way more visibility on newspaper and televisions.

Bookmakers’ initial favourite, Fiorella Mannoia, is also in the top 5 but looks well distanced from the 3 top singers here.

At the bottom of this hypotetical ranking we find:
– Nesli with a total of 26151 views during the week.
– Alessio Bernabei29037 views.
– Raige 30600 views.
Alice Paba 31744 views and Chiara 31873 views.

Special mention for Sergio Sylvestre whose page has been created only on the 9th (it gained 17695 views on the 9th and 21033 views on the 10th).


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