The ALDE booming on Wikipedia Italia

Last Sunday, Beppe Grillo, the leader of the Italian 5 Star Movement started an “online referendum” on his blog, asking the supporters whether or not the Movement had to leave the eurosceptic EFDD group in the European Parliament and join the liberal one, the Alliance of Liberal and Democrats for Europe, led by Guy Verhofstadt.According to Grillo, 78.5% of the Movement’s supporters […]

What were the Italians thinking about on the voting day: Wikipedia data says pencils and Heather Parisi

After having acknowledged the results of the Italian Constitutional referendum during the night of December 4th, many European pundits described the vote as a vote against Europe.Just for fun (yes, we are weird… for more weirdness visit our website we checked if something related to Europe could be traceable analyzing the most viewed pages on Wikipedia Italia from the 21st of […]

Quale futuro per i partiti politici italiani? Comparazione tra i comportamenti di voto nel Parlamento italiano e quello europeo

Questo studio è il risultato di una ricerca comune di Elif Lab e VoteWatch Europe. In attesa dell’imminente voto sul referendum costituzionale, gli esperti stanno cercando di prevedere quali potrebbero essere gli sviluppi politici in caso di una vittoria del “no” e, quindi, di una sconfitta del Primo Ministro, Matteo Renzi. In questa analisi, ci siamo soffermati sulle […]

What future for Italian political parties? Comparison of voting behaviour in the European and Italian Parliament

This study has been undertaken jointly by Elif Lab and VoteWatch Europe. The Italian referendum on Constitutional reform is likely to reshape the politics of one EU’s biggest countries, whichever way the result goes. This will also have a substantial impact on Europe as a whole. In the run-up to the Italian constitutional referendum, political observers are […]

Exploring MEPs’ connections on Twitter. Episode 3: Spain, Netherlands and Sweden

Welcome to the 3rd episode of our MEPs’ connections series. It the first two episodes (you can read them here), we analyzed the Greek, the French, the Polish, the Italian and the Danish communities.In this third one we will focus on the Spanish, the Dutch and the Swedish ones. If you’ve read the first two posts, you probably already know our […]

Exploring MEPs’ connections on Twitter: the Polish, the Italian and the Danish community

In the first episode of our MEPs’ communities series (you can find it here) we explained briefly the methodology we are using to analyze which accounts the Members of the European Parliament (or, less poetically, the staff managing their social media 🙂 ) consider worth following. In short: we are Elif Lab and we are working on a project called ThinkingAbout.EU that […]

Analyzing MEPs’ connections on Twitter: who’s worth following?

To perform our analyses for ThinkingAbout.EU, we collected a list of 643 Twitter accounts that covers the presence on the social network of the 751 Members of the European Parliament currently in office (huge thanks to @raimondiand for his help). Once we had a complete list (that you can find on our Github), we decided to check all the accounts followed […]